
Showing posts from December, 2020

Living Bhagavad Gita 25: As the Inner Journey Begins

  A series of short articles on the Bhagavad Gita for people living and working in our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times filled with stress and fear. This scripture born in a battlefield teaches us how to face our challenges, live our life fully, achieve excellence in whatever we do and find happiness, peace and contentment. [Continued from the previous post] CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION The Upanishads are among the world’s rarest jewels of wisdom. While other cultures have produced wisdom books, no other culture in the world has given us anything like the Upanishads, those books of highest wisdom to which the authors refused to add their names. The rishis who gave us these treasure chests said that they did not write them, they just came through them, they were mere channels for them and are not their authors, not their sources, they are not born of their brains. They said the Upanishads are apaurusheya – come from a world far beyond that of men. That refusal to give the